For AmSAT Certified Teachers

Welcome! These Membership types are for AmSAT-certified teachers who

  • have graduated from an AmSAT teacher training course and live anywhere in the world
  • joined AmSAT through the Credentials Review Process and live anywhere in the world
  • are ATAS-certified and live in the United States of America

Ready to join? Please read to make sure you are eligible to join the membership option you have chosen, and then click the “Join AmSAT” button. Need to know more?  Scroll down to see expanded descriptions and benefits.

Membership Options

Voting Membership Options and Dues Rates

Early Career Teacher (1, 2, 3) – $125

Members who attended an AmSAT teacher training course and were certified within the last three years

Other Teachers (more than three years after certification)

Voting Member – Contributing$325

Members who can pay a higher rate to provide additional support to AmSAT and subsidize reduced dues

Voting Member – Standard$250

Members who pay the standard rate (Reduced by $20 in 2023)

Voting Member – Reduced$135

Teachers who are retired (not Emeritus), semi-retired, on hiatus (not teaching due to study, family care, medical issues, or career change), or experiencing financial hardship (formerly Special Circumstances)

Non-Voting Membership Options and Dues Rates

Non-Teaching Member$100

AmSAT-certified and not currently teaching the Alexander Technique for pay

Emeritus Member Dues Waived

AmSAT-certified, at least 70 years of age, a member of AmSAT for at least 20 years, and no longer teaches the Alexander Technique for pay. Click here to complete the Emeritus Eligibility Form.

Expanded Descriptions and Benefits

Voting Membership

Voting Members make up the largest portion of AmSAT membership. 


If you graduated from an AmSAT teacher training course and were certified by AmSAT’s Board of Directors, you are eligible to join as a Voting Member. AmSAT-certified teachers may live anywhere in the world and maintain their Voting Member status. If you are an AmSAT-Certified teacher who is not currently a Member of AmSAT, please CLICK HERE to join.

If it has been more than two years since your certification or since your membership lapsed, you will be asked to show completed Continuing Education hours. (See Continuing Education Information 2023.)

AmSAT-certified teachers who were certified in the last six months

If you graduated from an AmSAT teacher training course and were certified in the last six months, you will have received an email invitation from the AmSAT Office inviting you to transition to Voting Membership. Please contact the Membership Chair if you have lost track of your invitation.

ATAS-certified and living in the United States

If you hold a certificate from a teacher training course approved by an international Affiliated Society (ATAS) and live in the United States, you are eligible for AmSAT certification and membership. Please contact the Membership Chair to apply.

Teachers who graduated from a non-affiliated training course

If you are an Alexander Technique teacher who trained in a course that is not affiliated with AmSAT or one of the ATAS societies, you are invited to join AmSAT through the Credentials Review process, which involves ensuring you have reached a minimum of 1600 hours of training and have skills in keeping with a first-year Alexander Technique teacher certified by AmSAT. Please contact the Chair of the Credentials Review Committee for more information and application. (See also the AmSAT Teacher Certification Requirements.)

Benefits for Voting Members

Your membership grants you:

  • Credentials: Use of M.AmSAT and the AmSAT logo
  • Low-cost liability insurance
  • Highest Standards of training and teaching
  • Government Relations / Self-Governance protects against need for state licensure
  • Professional Code of Conduct protects you AND your students
  • Research Grants
  • Access to the member side of the website
  • Listing in the Member Directory and on the public-facing “Find a Teacher” directory
  • Opportunity to post your classes and workshops on the Online Calendar
  • Social media campaigns promoting the Alexander Technique and AmSAT teachers
  • Discounts for conferences
  • Presenting at conferences
  • Discounts on books bought through the website
  • The AmSAT Journal
  • eUPdates, eBlasts
  • Continuing Education events
  • Recordings of past events
  • Support for Promoting Your Practice
  • Option to connect with a Mentor or Mentee
  • Service on committees and the Board of Directors
  • Attendance at the Annual General Meeting, submission of motions, participation in debate, and voting
  • And more…

Non-Voting Membership

AmSAT-Certified Members Not Currently Teaching the Alexander Technique for pay

AmSAT-certified teachers who are not currently teaching the Alexander Technique for pay are welcome to remain Voting Members. As an alternative, you may stay connected to AmSAT as a Non-Teaching Member. You will always retain your AmSAT certification, but you may no longer use “M.AmSAT” and will not be listed in the public-facing “Find a Teacher” directory. (Please note: you will remain in the Member Directory.)

 If you think you will resume teaching for pay at a later date, please keep track of your Continuing Education hours. You may rejoin a teaching category at any time by contacting the Membership Chair.

Emeritus Member

Any AmSAT-certified teacher who is no longer teaching the Alexander Technique for pay is at least 70 years of age, and has been a voting member of AmSAT for at least 20 years after certification, is eligible for Emeritus status. Your name will continue to be listed in the public-facing “Find a Teacher” directory. However, you may no longer use “M.AmSAT”. Click here to complete the Emeritus Eligibility Form.

Benefits for Non-Voting Members

Your membership grants you:

  • Access to the member side of the website
  • Listing in the Member Directory
  • Discounts for conferences
  • Discounts on books bought through the website
  • The AmSAT Journal
  • eUPdates, eBlasts
  • Continuing Education events
  • Recordings of past events
  • Opportunity to serve on committees that welcome Non-Voting Members
  • Attendance at the Annual General Meeting and participation in debate (but not vote) 
  • And more…

Member Testimonials

I can attest that AmSAT is an active, dynamic, and visionary driving force in the promotion of the Alexander Technique. Two of the students I got during my first year of teaching found me because someone they knew said that AmSAT is the place you should look to find a qualified Alexander Technique teacher.

Frank McNellis, M.AmSAT

I joined AmSAT because I believe having the highest possible standard for teacher training is extremely important. I remain a member of AmSAT for the connection to other teachers and the effort the organization puts into advancing the Technique, particularly through its funding of research and efforts to inform the public.

Donna Martin, M.AmSAT

I joined AmSAT for professional liability insurance but mostly for continuing education. I often view recordings when designing a new class or preparing for a student with particular interests or challenges.The community of teachers was a lifeline during the pandemic. My AmSAT membership connects me to a larger community that is a constant resource.

Becky Sandler, M.AmSAT

I have made friends by attending the conferences. And, by observing other presenters, I have learned how to present to a group of my peers. I find that volunteering deepens the value of my membership. AmSAT has helped me grow as a teacher, a leader, a writer, and a human being.

Ruth Rootberg, M.AmSAT


Please contact the AmSAT Membership Chair.