International Affiliated Societies

What are the Affiliated Societies?

The Alexander Technique Affiliated Societies (ATAS) is comprised of twenty national societies of teachers of the Alexander Technique who recognize each others’ professional qualifications and agree to maintain the same standards for the training and professional conduct of Alexander Technique teachers worldwide. Member teachers number over 3000. 

What do the Affiliated Societies do?

ATAS assures that the standards of training that originated with F. M. Alexander continue to be upheld. These standards include the requisite sixteen hundred hours of training.  ATAS representatives meet on a regular basis.

ATAS works to:

– Uphold and improve professional standards

– Educate the public about the Technique

– Facilitate contact and communication among members

– Encourage research into the Technique

Why Choose an Affiliated Teacher?

The twenty Societies that comprise ATAS are the only global professional Alexander Technique organizations that oversee standards of teacher training in the Alexander Technique.  All certified ATAS teachers have completed a three-year program, with a minimum of sixteen hundred hours of training as specified in bylaws, on approved training courses taught by training directors with the necessary skills and experience to train Alexander Technique teachers.

How to Find an ATAS Teacher?

ATAS offers the largest global collection of Certified Teachers of the Alexander Technique.  Each ATAS member society maintains its own electronic directory of certified teachers, both resident and worldwide.

To find an affiliated teacher outside the USA, click on one of the following:

Argentina: AAPTA (Asociacion Argentina de Profesores de Tecnica Alexander) 

Australia: AUSTAT (The Australian Society of Teachers of the Alexander Technique)

Austria: GATOE (Gesellschaft F.M. Alexander-Technik Osterriech)

Belgium: AEFMAT (Belgian Association of Teachers of the Alexander Technique)

Brazil: ABTA (Associacao Brasileira da Technica Alexander)

Canada: CANSTAT (Alexander Technique Canada)

Denmark: DFLAT (Den Danske Forening af Laerere I F.M Alekxander Teknik)

Finland: FINSTAT (Suomen Alexander-tekniikan Opettajat)

France: APTA (L’Association Francaise des Professeurs de la Technique Alexander)

Germany: ATVD (Alexander-Technik-Verband Deutschland)

Israel: ISTAT (Israeli Society of Teachers of the Alexander Technique)

Mexico: APTAM  (Asociacion de Profesores de Alexander Technica de Mexico)  

Netherlands: NEVLAT (Nederlandse Vereniging van Leararen in de F.M Alexander Techniek)

New Zealand: ATTSNZ (Alexander Technique Teachers Society New Zealand)

Norway: NFLAT (Norwegian Society of Teachers of the Alexander Technique)

South Africa: SASTAT (South African Society of Teachers for the Alexander Technique)

Spain: APTAE (Asociacion de los Profesores de la Tecnica Alexander en Espana)

Switzerland: SBAT/APSTA (Schweizerischer Berufsverband der Alexander-Technik; Association Professionnelle Suisse de la Technique Alexander)

United Kingdom & Republic of Ireland: STAT (The Society of Teachers of the Alexander Technique)

AmSAT Affiliated Societies Liaison: Lisa DeAngelis